Dental care

Tooth replacement

Nature did not shape us with a certain number of teeth at random…  The loss of a tooth disrupts the system’s dynamics and initiates the process of future complications. It should not be trivialized, as it is the health of the remaining teeth that are at stake and your general health.

Tooth replacement

Consequences of tooth loss for the mouth

The loss of posterior teeth has not only aesthetic but also functional repercussions.

Consequences of tooth loss for the mouth

The posterior teeth support each other. When one or more teeth are missing, the adjacent teeth move and migrate into the available space, resulting in loosening.

This migration, combined with the loosening it causes, leads to a dental configuration that is inappropriate for hygiene, causing gingival inflammation and even compromising the long-term survival of the remaining teeth.

In addition, the daily movements of your jaw will weaken the front teeth. Since the forces are no longer distributed evenly to the lost teeth at the back, the front teeth take on loads for which they were not designed. Over time, they will move apart, leading to their eventual loss.

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Discovery Magazine

Read all articles by Nikola Panajotovic

Tooth loss, cavities and bad breath

Article published in Découverte Magazine, written by Nikola Panajotovic, dentist

Tooth replacement

Consequences of tooth loss on general health

As we age, our intestinal capacity to absorb nutrients decreases. It is even more critical that the food is well chewed before it reaches the stomach. But with a loss of teeth, especially posterior, we tend to swallow everything whole. In addition, some foods are removed from the usual diet because they have become too complicated to eat. These processes result in nutrient deficiencies or even overloads of other elements. Yet, malnutrition is one of the leading causes of the development of chronic diseases.

It has also been proven that the signals transmitted by the teeth to the brain stimulate brain activity. When teeth are lost, the predisposition to cognitive deterioration increases and the manifestations of cognitive decline is more rapid.

The more time that passes after the loss of a tooth, the more complex the procedures for its replacement become due to the migration of adjacent teeth. With many missing teeth, the jaw can also become distorted and interfere with rehabilitation. Replacing a tooth quickly after it is lost will ensure the best long-term conditions.

Tooth replacement


1. Fixed methods, known for maximum comfort

2. Removable methods, less comfortable but economical solutions

3. Combined methods, known for their comfort and budget

Our dentists are committed to offering you the best possible treatment
tailored to your requirements since there are many solutions and
combinations to remedy the edentulism problem and its
aesthetic and functional consequences, regardless of your


Implant (on estimate)



Bridge of 3 elements (on estimate)



Removable partial denture



Removable complete prosthesis



Dental Surgery

Dental implant

Dental Surgery

Non-surgical periodontology

Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
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Panadent Dental Clinic
Our methodology
Let's meet

Be welcomed with a smile in a colourful and fragrant environment with soothing music that breaks the norms.

Create your space

Fill in the information necessary to create your roadmap online, from the comfort of your home, or on-site.

First we listen

Share your concerns and needs, and we will carefully listen without judgment.

Then we observe

Let us take a look at you and carefully examine your mouth.

Then we go deeper

Choose to investigate further when necessary to get the correct diagnosis.

Then we talk

Allow us to illustrate and explain our understanding of the situation.

Then we resolve

Receive the full range of possible solutions, and take the time to think about or choose what is best for you.

Then let us do our work

Request a free quote for one or more care projects based on priority.

Discover a new approach in Switzerland: The NLS Protocol

Chronic, unexplained or consistent headaches or backaches?

It may be time to check if your teeth may be the cause. Get a free consultation and assessment with one of our specialists.

What you need to know:

Frequently asked questions

How long does the pain last after wisdom tooth removal?

It is normal to feel pain for 2-3 days after the procedure. That is due to the healing process. From 4-5 days, the pain should gradually subside. Contact the dental practice if the pain does not subside or increase. Additional wound cleansing may be required.

How to relieve the pain of wisdom teeth?

Unless adviced otherwise:

When is it possible to keep your wisdom teeth?

It is possible to keep your wisdom teeth if:

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Find the number of each practice in the Menu under "Our practices".

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm or 9:00am - 6:00pm
Extended opening one day per week