Dental care

Root treatment

When a cavity is left untreated for too long, it
progresses to the nerve (pulp) of the tooth and treatment of the root
(endodontic treatment) becomes necessary to preserve it.

Root treatment


In case of very deep caries or during a trauma (shock, tooth
broken) irreversible damage to the nerve of the tooth
can occur. In this case, the damage to the tooth is
substantial, and as a result the pulp cannot heal any more. In the absence of
treatment, the inflammation progresses into an infection of the tip of the
root until it extends to the jawbone. A painful abscess
or a deep infection can form and be potentially
dangerous to your health.

At PanaDent, we use a mechanized endodontic system of
the latest generation, all for your comfort, and which reduces
time spent in the chair without interfering with the quality of the treatment.

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Root treatment

How do you get a root canal?

A root canal of a tooth is a meticulous process that consists of removing
the dental pulp, to disinfect the interior of the roots
and to fill them in. The treatment can be summarized in 3 steps:

A damaged tooth is often very decayed at the base. It is
all the more fragile following root treatment. It is for these
reasons that it must be adequately restored. The
rehabilitations performed with onlays or, more rarely, a
classic crown give the tooth its firmness, color and its

Dental care


Dental care


Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Schedule consultation
Panadent Dental Clinic
Our methodology
Let's meet

Be welcomed with a smile in a colourful and fragrant environment with soothing music that breaks the norms.

Create your space

Fill in the information necessary to create your roadmap online, from the comfort of your home, or on-site.

First we listen

Share your concerns and needs, and we will carefully listen without judgment.

Then we observe

Let us take a look at you and carefully examine your mouth.

Then we go deeper

Choose to investigate further when necessary to get the correct diagnosis.

Then we talk

Allow us to illustrate and explain our understanding of the situation.

Then we resolve

Receive the full range of possible solutions, and take the time to think about or choose what is best for you.

Then let us do our work

Request a free quote for one or more care projects based on priority.

Discover a new approach in Switzerland: The NLS Protocol

Chronic, unexplained or consistent headaches or backaches?

It may be time to check if your teeth may be the cause. Get a free consultation and assessment with one of our specialists.

Say hello.
We're happy to help!
Find the number of each practice in the Menu under "Our practices".

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm or 9:00am - 6:00pm
Extended opening one day per week