Aesthetics and well-being

Heavy metal detoxification

It is now possible to check if your body is overly exposed to
heavy metals that may be related to old amalgams for your
dental. But it doesn’t end here… As we propose an approach that is both
preventive and holistic in nature of the human body, and extends beyond the
oral sphere. Other critical information for your well-being
may assist you.

Heavy metal detoxification

Perform a check-up

The light biopsy is a painless examination that allows to
instantly measure your level of heavy metal poisoning,
your physiological state and possible deficiencies in trace elements.

How does it work?

By palm spectrophotometry, in other words, by sending and capturing
light through the palm. Each atom absorbs
the light differently, thus possessing a signature that the device will
be able to identify and quantify.

Spectrophotometry is a technology used since 1930 in
different fields such as aerospace, biology, chemistry and even
medical analysis. It has, for example, served in the study of planets
to determine their composition and temperature.

Why on the hand?

The palm is rich in fatty tissue. These easily capture
the trace elements, which are atoms present in quantities
in the body and essential to life (trace elements) or, sometimes,
source of intoxication (heavy metals).

Therefore, the hand is an excellent indicator of deficiency states
of intoxication

Why should I have a check-up?

To highlight states of deficiency or intoxication to facilitate intervention and
correct certain variables to improve overall health. It is an act
of major prevention (in the same way that a vaccine protects against
diseases) which aims to treat certain existing pathologies and
prevent others.

Heavy metal detoxification

Improve my balance sheet

The most likely source of my mercury poisoning is
my dental amalgams. What else can I do but replace them?

The important thing is to rid your body of the excess mercury stored in your organs. A detoxification protocol is implemented based on natural products (zeolite, chlorella, activated charcoal, etc.).

Then, the process of removal of the fillings is executed. Selections are made from the most polluting filling to the least polluting filling. The frequency of removal of these fillings is 1 to 2 fillings per month, followed by detoxification of the tooth and then placement of a dressing within the cavity. These dressings can last several weeks.

After removing the fillings, which takes several months, the teeth are reconstructed using the usual procedures, either with composite resins or ceramic fillings made using 3D procedures that are extremely solid, precise and durable.

I got my assessment, how can I improve it?

Follow a diet that is conducive to the recovery of deficient elements
or consider food supplements. Attend therapies
to increase the elimination of overloaded elements and
perform a secondary assessment to see if your evaluation is improving.


Dental care is to be evaluated tooth by tooth.

The complete balance sheet

120 CHF


per tooth approx.

160 CHF

Dental care

Replacement of fillings

Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Schedule consultation
Panadent Dental Clinic
Our methodology
Let's meet

Be welcomed with a smile in a colourful and fragrant environment with soothing music that breaks the norms.

Create your space

Fill in the information necessary to create your roadmap online, from the comfort of your home, or on-site.

First we listen

Share your concerns and needs, and we will carefully listen without judgment.

Then we observe

Let us take a look at you and carefully examine your mouth.

Then we go deeper

Choose to investigate further when necessary to get the correct diagnosis.

Then we talk

Allow us to illustrate and explain our understanding of the situation.

Then we resolve

Receive the full range of possible solutions, and take the time to think about or choose what is best for you.

Then let us do our work

Request a free quote for one or more care projects based on priority.

Discover a new approach in Switzerland: The NLS Protocol

Chronic, unexplained or consistent headaches or backaches?

It may be time to check if your teeth may be the cause. Get a free consultation and assessment with one of our specialists.

Say hello. We're happy to help!
Find the number of each practice in the Menu under "Our practices".

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm or 9:00am - 6:00pm
Extended opening one day per week