Aesthetics and well-being

Improvement to sports performance

A racehorse has a dentist who watches over its performance, why not humans?
In addition to the muscles, the body’s posture and movement determine the force it can exert. Maintaining a balance guarantees the quality of the performance.

Improvement to sports performance

Assess my physical condition

To obtain results and rapid progress during physical activity, the conditions in which the body finds itself must be ideal.

Thanks to in-depth postural analysis, including objective measurements (NLS Assessment), PanaDent provides you with the details of your physical condition.

Based on the information obtained from this assessment, we propose appropriate solutions to correct mechanical defects that may reduce sports performance, lead to physical injury and slow down recovery (including in the event of injury).

In the most straightforward situations, it can be a simple stimulation of proprioception, strengthening and explosiveness of a muscle, or a limb’s mobility. For ascending (podal origin) or descending (maxillomandibular origin) problems, it is possible to obtain the best recommendations and consider:

man in black crew neck shirt

Improvement to sports performance

Improve my body functions

In more complex situations, it may be necessary to call on other specialists in the field (physiotherapist, osteopath, kinesiologist) to improve or correct your assessment. How your upper teeth fit together with the lower ones (dental occlusion) disturbs your craniomandibular position and limits the optimal functioning of your body. It will then be a question of resolving the dysfunctions related to the teeth, the mandible and the temporomandibular joints (NLS Protocol), in particular by:

Stabilization of a comfortable dental bite can be achieved through a wide range of standard dental procedures, specific to each situation, such as:


Postural assessment (NLS assessment)


Active sole (Lassemel)

from 69.-

Dynamic mouthpiece (Goutchew)

from 39.-

Dental care

Posturology and posturodontics

Aesthetics and well-being

Heavy metal detoxification

Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Schedule consultation
Panadent Dental Clinic
Our methodology
Let's meet

Be welcomed with a smile in a colourful and fragrant environment with soothing music that breaks the norms.

Create your space

Fill in the information necessary to create your roadmap online, from the comfort of your home, or on-site.

First we listen

Share your concerns and needs, and we will carefully listen without judgment.

Then we observe

Let us take a look at you and carefully examine your mouth.

Then we go deeper

Choose to investigate further when necessary to get the correct diagnosis.

Then we talk

Allow us to illustrate and explain our understanding of the situation.

Then we resolve

Receive the full range of possible solutions, and take the time to think about or choose what is best for you.

Then let us do our work

Request a free quote for one or more care projects based on priority.

Discover a new approach in Switzerland: The NLS Protocol

Chronic, unexplained or consistent headaches or backaches?

It may be time to check if your teeth may be the cause. Get a free consultation and assessment with one of our specialists.

Say hello. We're happy to help!
Find the number of each practice in the Menu under "Our practices".

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm or 9:00am - 6:00pm
Extended opening one day per week