Have you had a tooth extraction? Our advice

Following a dental extraction,
the wound can become infected after this type of procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications, we invite you to follow the following advice:

  • Do not consume food or hot beverages for the first 24 hours after the extraction. Instead go for cold to warm preparations.
  • Avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes, vinegar, lemon, etc. for 3 to 4 days. Try to eat foods that are ground or do not require too much strengt to chew.
  • Do not rinse your mouth on the day of the procedure. If you have bad taste in your mouth, drink water or let it run down the sink without pressure.
  • Smoking is not recommended for the first few days after surgery. Stop smoking temporarily or at least minimize your consumption.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 2 or 3 days.
  • If you notice renewed bleeding at home, bite down on a clean pad or piece of cloth for 30 minutes. If the bleeding persists, call the medical-dental center.
  • You can start rinsing with the mouthwash (if prescribed) the following day, not before.
  • Keep the ice pack (if given to you) on the affected area for the first 3 hours , taking care to refrigerate it regularly. After a short while, it is no longer necessary to apply it.

The primary purpose of this advice is to stabilize the bleeding and clot in the extraction site, which is essential for healing.

It is normal to feel pain for 2-3 days after the procedure. That is due to the healing process. After 4-5 days, the pain should diminish. Contact the dental practice if the pain does not subside or increase. Additional wound cleansing may be required.

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