NLS Protocol

Treatment of postural imbalances in relation to the teeth, improvement of sports performance.

Get a free consultation and assessment with one of our specialists.

Did you know that your back pain could be dental in origin?

Do you suffer from a disorder (difficulty of concentration, tiredness in the morning, tinnitus, migraines, back pain) unexplained or persistent?

It may be time to check if the way you bite is adequately balanced…
When the occlusion is well balanced, the teeth maintain and stabilize the position of the mandible and, consequently, the craniomandibular position.
Otherwise, the temporomandibular joint is out of balance and may be subject to excessive strain.
These tensions will first impact the cranial level (headaches, difficulty concentrating, tiredness on rising, tinnitus).

Then, through the muscle chains, they will cascade down to the descending postural system (cervical, back, lumbar, hips, knees, ankles, feet).


During the regular oral health check-up, the dentist or hygienist may notice unusual wear and tear on the teeth and inquire about repeated pain in the body. Listening carefully to any repeated concerns will help us understand the ins and outs of the problem and evaluate the presence of a link with the balance of the jaws. A checklist for objective evaluation is completed, and photographs of the dental arches can be taken. These additional steps are, of course, not invoiced to you because they are an integral part of the examination that allows us to understand the relationship of your oral dynamics with your body.

The NLS protocol

How does it work?

3D body scan and ortho-postural analysis (without radiation).

If there is an objective connection between the balance of your jaws and pain, a second appointment for further analysis by a specialist in posturology is recommended. The specialist makes 3D impressions of the dental arches (without radiation), a 3D morphological analysis of the body posture, digital measurement of your masticatory cycle and the balance of the facial musculature. This consultation is offered in full to facilitate the

deprogramming of the facio-mandibular muscles.

The link between an imbalance of the jaws and a disorder of the body has been demonstrated. You want to remedy the problem and alleviate or even eliminate the pain resulting in recurring issues. A new appointment allows, through electrodes (totally painless), to define the ideal way in which your mandible should be in the closed position. This relaxing one-hour session is indispensable to rebalancing the body by rebalancing the dental occlusion and will cost you less than 200.-

NLS Protocol

Diagnosis and ortho-postural assessment

This stage is not a consultation in itself; it represents the behind-the-scenes work of our therapeutic cell composed of specialists experienced in all the different types of treatment and are repsonsible for all the data collected. It allows us to develop a diagnosis and a plan for the adapted treatment considering the whole human apparatus and not only the teeth, as well as to prepare your assessment which will be presented to you during the next appointment.

orthodontist boudry

3D scan of the upper airway (optional, for sleep apnea)

In the case of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), we are able to maximize airflow into the upper airways. The examination is conducted through a 3D scanner of your neck paired with the latest software. It permits mapping the interior and highlighting the dynamics of the air flows that make up the interior according to the position of your mandible. This review provides all the options of not having to undergo a CPAP. Price : 349.00 - all included. * In collaboration with the Department of Sleep Medicine of the CHUV.

Presentation of a personalized ortho-postural rehabilitation project.

During this appointment, the dentist with whom you have been in contact since the the beginning will receive and explain your ortho-postural assessment (NLS assessment). He'll also show you the 3D reconstitution of the ideal position of your mandible when fully closed. Last but not least, he will give you a dental quote detailed by steps in chronological order and care to restore a function of the masticatory system protection for the body and, as an option, an aesthetic optimization of your smile. This session is a conversation, and is wholly offered to you

women's blue hat

through consultation in aesthetic medicine at Nescens Clinique de Genolier. It is also provided

in collaboration with Nescens; PanaDent gives you an assessment in aesthetic medicine during a consultation with Dr. Sophie Menkes, who will be happy to guide and advise you. This assessment won't cost you a thing via the NLS protocol framework. . PanaDent takes care of people who have decided to have an NLS assessment.

Posturology and posturodontics

Treatment of postural imbalances