Prevention & hygiene

Non-surgical periodontology

Are your teeth moving? Or are your gums receding, but
strangely enough, it doesn’t particularly hurt? It is possible that
you have periodontitis. Visit us for a check-up before
it gets any worse.

Non-surgical periodontology


Periodontitis or periodontal disease is an infectious disease
that destroys the supporting tissues around one or
several teeth. It is mainly caused by the accumulation of tartar
and harmful bacterial flora under the gum.

The inflammation causes the gradual melting of the bone
around the teeth. The space between the tooth and the gums recedes
and fails to provide support. It can be accompanied by dental mobility
and tooth loosening in an advanced stage.

The tricky part about periodontal disease is that it often progresses painlessly
which is often too late and advanced once diagnosed,
hence the need for regular follow-ups. In addition, this disease requires follow-ups and
regular treatment throughout life, even if it has been stabilized.

PanaDent offers two non-surgical methods of taking care of your
gum disease management:

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person wearing silver-colored ring while holding denture

Non-surgical periodontology

The classical method

1. First scaling to reduce surface inflammation
2. Hygiene instructions and motivation to help you keep your mouth clean
3. Probe or measure the pockets around the teeth to
define their depth and location and thus follow their
4. Treatment of the pockets under local anesthesia
removes tartar that has settled on the teeth’ roots and
maintains an inflammatory environment allowing
harmful bacteria to proliferate.
5. Reassessment to verify the stability of the treatment
and prevent possible relapses.

Treatments are only performed if we can make you
follow the instructions at home (brushing technique, use of interdental brushes, etc.); otherwise the success of the treatment can be limited.

Non-surgical periodontology

The antiparasitic treatment under control microscopic:

As mentioned above, periodontitis is an infectious disease, and this therapy targets the microorganisms that cause it.

It prevents and cures periodontitis through close management of the gingival microbiota, mainly through the routine use of a phase contrast microscope. No surgery, treatment or surfacing is required. The approach is essentially medical, painless and completed by simple dental scaling.

The bone tissues regenerate naturally without adding external bone elements. The healed periodontal grooves close up as they did initially, with the possibility of a slight recession, depending on the actual situation.
Microbial infection is fully managed and eliminated, as evidenced by microscopic patient monitoring. The bacterial flora is tackled like a perfectly healthy child, and the inflammation is eliminated, offering a permanent cure as long as the patient maintains regular oral hygiene.

man in white crew neck shirt lying on green grass

Non-surgical periodontology

The antiparasitic treatment under control microscopic: methodology

1. The diagnosis

First, we diagnose your condition by removing the germs in your mouth.

2. Probing or measuring the pockets around the teeth

We determine the extent of the infection to have a
better understanding of the progression of the treatment.

3. The analysis

We analyze your flora under the microscope. The microscope is an integral element of the method since it allows you to manage and adapt your treatment until you obtain a normal flora representative of gingival health.

4. The treatment

Once the diagnosis is made, the treatment begins with monthly
painless sessions for a few months until we have negative samples of the pathogenic microbes.

5. Tartar removal

Once the infection is under control, we remove the tartar hidden under the gum and healing can begin. After a few months, you will be cured, and you will be able to keep your teeth and smile. Just keep an eye out for contamination factors in your environment.

Prevention & hygiene

Scaling & Polishing

Prevention & hygiene

Express cleaning

Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
Prevention & hygiene
Dental care
Dental Surgery
Aesthetics and well-being
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Panadent Dental Clinic
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Be welcomed with a smile in a colourful and fragrant environment with soothing music that breaks the norms.

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First we listen

Share your concerns and needs, and we will carefully listen without judgment.

Then we observe

Let us take a look at you and carefully examine your mouth.

Then we go deeper

Choose to investigate further when necessary to get the correct diagnosis.

Then we talk

Allow us to illustrate and explain our understanding of the situation.

Then we resolve

Receive the full range of possible solutions, and take the time to think about or choose what is best for you.

Then let us do our work

Request a free quote for one or more care projects based on priority.

Discover a new approach in Switzerland: The NLS Protocol

Chronic, unexplained or consistent headaches or backaches?

It may be time to check if your teeth may be the cause. Get a free consultation and assessment with one of our specialists.

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Find the number of each practice in the Menu under "Our practices".

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm or 9:00am - 6:00pm
Extended opening one day per week